Bohemia Crystal

166 Products

  • Bohemia Crystal WhiskyglĂ€ser Serious Gentleman 150 ml (6er Set)

    Bohemia Crystal WhiskyglÀser Serious Gentleman 150 ml (6er Set)

    Der vornehme Gentleman trinkt vielleicht nicht oft, aber wenn er es tut, dann schmeckt er immer raffiniert - geschĂŒttelt, nicht gerĂŒhrt, mit Eis oder Soda fĂŒr den richtigen Biss.  Lassen Sie es ruhig angehen und geniessen Sie Ihren Lieblingswhisky aus einem Serious Gentleman Glas, das genau das Richtige fĂŒr Sie ist. Sein traditioneller Schliff eröffnet ein neues Kapitel fĂŒr alle, die die QualitĂ€t des Lebens zu schĂ€tzen wissen. Spezialkonditionen fĂŒr Gastronomie, GlasfachhĂ€ndler – Melden Sie hier Ihr Business an. Durch die Verwendung einer speziellen OberflĂ€chenbehandlung “Sparkle” fĂŒr ausgezeichnete Brillianze, hervorragenden Klang, Schlagfestigkeit, Druckfestigkeit, TemperaturbestĂ€ndigkeit und GeschirrspĂŒlungseignung eignet sie sich nicht nur fĂŒr Ihr Zuhause, sondern auch fĂŒr anspruchsvolle Bedingungen in der Gastronomie.   Höhe Breite Inhalt 54 mm 82 mm 150 ml   Gewicht 1.34 kg Grösse 259 × 176 × 74 mm Brand Bohemia Crystal - Crystalex

    CHF 37.90

  • Bohemia Crystal WeinglĂ€ser Rainbow 400 ml (6er Set)

    Bohemia Crystal WeinglÀser Rainbow 400 ml (6er Set)

    Nachdem die Kollektion jahrelang an die Farben des Regenbogens erinnerte, hat der Bestseller Alex nun ein erfrischendes Makeover erhalten. Das Ergebnis ist die schillernde Kollektion Rainbow Fresh mit sechs Farben, die den FrĂŒhling perfekt unterstreichen. Ein Beispiel ist das originelle Weißweinglas-Set, in dem der köstliche Tropfen besonders gut zur Geltung kommt. Und jedes Glas hat eine ganz andere Farbe, sechs an der Zahl. Wunderschön, nicht wahr?   Höhe Breite Inhalt 228 mm 91 mm 400 ml  

    CHF 34.90

  • Bohemia Crystal WeinglĂ€ser Black&White 400 ml (2er Set)

    Bohemia Crystal WeinglÀser Black&White 400 ml (2er Set)

    Schwarz und Weiss. Ein Farbenpaar, das nie aus der Mode kommt. Und ganz im Sinne seiner Zeitlosigkeit basiert die Kollektion Black&White auf dem Bestseller Alex. Und wĂ€hrend der Becher mit dem Glanz von Kristallglas glĂ€nzt, ist der Fuss mit einer einheitlichen SprĂŒhfarbe verziert. Kurzum, ein modernes Glas, das Ihr Herz im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes im Sturm erobern wird. Ein Schluck genĂŒgt. Höhe Breite Inhalt 228 mm 91 mm 400 ml  

    CHF 17.90

  • Bohemia Crystal Tumblers Rainbow Fresh 350 ml (6er Set)

    Bohemia Crystal Tumblers Rainbow Fresh 350 ml (6er Set)

    Nachdem die Kollektion jahrelang an die Farben des Regenbogens erinnerte, hat der Bestseller Alex nun ein erfrischendes Makeover erhalten. Das Ergebnis ist die schillernde Kollektion Rainbow Fresh mit sechs Farben, die den FrĂŒhling perfekt unterstreichen. Ein Beispiel dafĂŒr ist das originelle Softdrink-Glas-Set, das nicht nur fĂŒr Saft und Limonade, sondern auch fĂŒr etwas SchĂ€rferes verwendet werden kann. Und jedes Glas hat eine andere Farbe, insgesamt gibt es sechs StĂŒck. Wunderschön, nicht wahr?   Höhe Breite Inhalt 99 mm 92 mm 350 ml  

    CHF 37.90

  • Bohemia Crystal Cognac-GlĂ€ser Serious Gentleman 280 ml (6er Set)

    Bohemia Crystal Cognac-GlÀser Serious Gentleman 280 ml (6er Set)

    Ein seriöser Gentleman trinkt vielleicht nicht oft, aber wenn er trinkt, dann immer mit Raffinesse - geschĂŒttelt, nicht gerĂŒhrt, mit Eis oder Soda fĂŒr den richtigen Kick. Entspannen Sie sich und geniessen Sie Ihren Lieblings-Cognac aus einem Serious Gentleman Glas, das genau den richtigen Ton trifft. Sein traditioneller Schliff öffnet ein neues Kapitel fĂŒr alle, die die QualitĂ€t des Lebens zu schĂ€tzen wissen.   Höhe Breite Inhalt  90 mm  106 mm 280 ml  

    CHF 29.90

  • Angebot -19% Bohemia Crystal Bierglas Harmony 550 ml

    Bohemia Crystal Bierglas Harmony 550 ml

    Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt des exquisiten Biergenusses mit unserem Bohemia Crystal Bierglas. Hergestellt aus bleifreiem, dĂŒnnwandigem Kristallglas bietet es nicht nur eine elegante Optik, sondern auch eine hervorragende Haltbarkeit. Da es spĂŒlmaschinenfest ist, eignet es sich hervorragend fĂŒr den tĂ€glichen Gebrauch. Durch die Verwendung der speziellen OberflĂ€chenbehandlung “Sparkle” fĂŒr hervorragende Brillanz, KlangqualitĂ€t, Schlagfestigkeit, Druckfestigkeit, TemperaturbestĂ€ndigkeit und SpĂŒlmaschinentauglichkeit eignet sich dieses Glas nicht nur fĂŒr Ihr Zuhause, sondern auch fĂŒr die anspruchsvollen Bedingungen in der Gastronomie. Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie geniessen nach einem langen Tag ein kĂŒhles Bier aus diesem edlen Glas. Die feine Verarbeitung und das klare Kristallglas lassen das Bier in seiner ganzen Pracht erstrahlen, wĂ€hrend die dĂŒnnen WĂ€nde dafĂŒr sorgen, dass das GetrĂ€nk seine optimale Temperatur behĂ€lt. Ob fĂŒr besondere AnlĂ€sse oder den tĂ€glichen Genuss - dieses Bierglas wird Ihre Erwartungen ĂŒbertreffen und jeden Schluck zu einem besonderen Erlebnis machen. Sonderkonditionen fĂŒr Gastronomie und Glasfachhandel - Tragen Sie hier Ihr Unternehmen ein. Höhe Breite Inhalt 189 mm 88 mm 550 ml   Gewicht 2.06 kg Grösse 281 × 191 x 256  mm Marke Bohemia Crystal - Crystalex

    CHF 36.90CHF 29.90

  • Angebot -40% Bohemia Crystal BierglĂ€ser NEW 2024 500 ml (6er Set)

    Bohemia Crystal BierglÀser NEW 2024 500 ml (6er Set)

    Das Bierglasset Bohemia Crystal ist die perfekte Wahl fĂŒr Bierliebhaber. Mit seinem modernen Design, seiner StabilitĂ€t und seiner dĂŒnnen Wandung bietet es nicht nur zu Hause, sondern auch in der Gastronomie eine stilvolle Möglichkeit, Bier zu geniessen. SpĂŒlmaschinenfest und mit einem Fassungsvermögen von 500 ml ist es fĂŒr jede Gelegenheit geeignet. Durch die Verwendung der speziellen OberflĂ€chenbehandlung “Sparkle” fĂŒr hervorragende Brillanz, KlangqualitĂ€t, Schlagfestigkeit, Druckfestigkeit, TemperaturbestĂ€ndigkeit und SpĂŒlmaschinentauglichkeit eignet sich dieses Glas nicht nur fĂŒr Ihr Zuhause, sondern auch fĂŒr die anspruchsvollen Bedingungen in der Gastronomie. Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie geniessen nach einem langen Tag ein kĂŒhles Bier aus diesem edlen Glas. Die feine Verarbeitung und das klare Kristallglas lassen das Bier in seiner ganzen Pracht erstrahlen, wĂ€hrend die dĂŒnnen WĂ€nde dafĂŒr sorgen, dass das GetrĂ€nk seine optimale Temperatur behĂ€lt. Ob fĂŒr besondere AnlĂ€sse oder den tĂ€glichen Genuss - dieses Bierglas wird Ihre Erwartungen ĂŒbertreffen und jeden Schluck zu einem besonderen Erlebnis machen. Sonderkonditionen fĂŒr Gastronomie und Glasfachhandel - Tragen Sie hier Ihr Unternehmen ein. Höhe Breite Inhalt 160 mm 89 mm 500 ml   Gewicht 1.84 kg Grösse 291 × 196 x 188  mm Marke Bohemia Crystal - Crystalex

    CHF 32.90CHF 19.90

  • Bohemia Crystal Whisky OF Jive 330 ml

    Bohemia Crystal Whiskey OF Jive 330 ml

    Modern and stylish Bohemia Crystal Whiskey OF Jive 330 ml. In a set of 6 Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 96mm 92mm 330ml Weight 2,056 kg Size 300 × 200 × 110mm brand Crystalex

    CHF 34.90

  • Angebot -38% Bohemia Crystal Wasserglas Turbulence  500 ml

    Bohemia Crystal wine glasses Turbulence 500 ml

    The blooming Bohemia Crystal Stemless wine glasses Turbulence 500 ml for red wine. In a set of 2. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 118mm 93mm 500ml

    CHF 15.90CHF 9.90

  • Bohemia Crystal Wasserglas Tulipa 350 ml

    Bohemia Crystal water glass Tulipa 350 ml (set of 6)

    The blooming Bohemia Crystal water glass Tulipa 350 ml for water, soft drinks or even alcoholic drinks. In a set of 6. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 99mm 94mm 350ml

    CHF 28.90

  • Bohemia Crystal Wasserglas Siesta 440 ml

    Bohemia Crystal water glass Siesta 440 ml

    Modern and stylish Bohemia Crystal water glass Siesta High Ball 440 ml. In the Set of 6 Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here By using the special surface treatment “Sparkles” the glass has an excellent Brilliance . The glass also has a excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and dishwasher suitability . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 140mm 86mm 440ml Size 270 × 180 × 300mm fire Crystalex

    CHF 34.90

  • Bohemia Crystal Wasserglas Siesta 380 ml

    Bohemia Crystal water glass Siesta 380 ml

    Modern and stylish Bohemia Crystal water glass Siesta 380 ml. In a set of 6 Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 124mm 86mm 380ml Weight 1.55kg Size 270 × 185 × 140mm fire Crystalex

    CHF 31.90

  • Letzter Bestand! Bohemia Crystal Wasserglas Blues 240 ml

    Bohemia Crystal water glass Blues 240 ml

    1 vorrÀtig

    Modern and stylish Bohemia Crystal water glass Blues 240 ml. In a set of 6 Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 112mm 63mm 240ml Weight 1.55kg Size 140 × 207 × 125mm fire Crystalex

    1 vorrÀtig

    CHF 27.90

  • Letzter Bestand! Bohemia Crystal Rotweinglas Harmony 425 ml

    Bohemia Crystal red wine glass Harmony 425 ml

    1 vorrÀtig

    Hot and attractive Bohemia Crystal red wine glass Harmony 425 ml. In a set of 6 Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here A certified calibration mark for the exact dimensions is possible for this product. Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 226mm 91mm 425ml Weight 1,491 kg Size 300 × 200 × 270mm fire Crystalex

    1 vorrÀtig

    CHF 33.90

  • Angebot -17% Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Light Blue

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Light Blue by Kvetna 1794

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors ” 520 ml – Light Blue is a high-quality, handmade water and soft drinks glass. In a set of 6. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here. “Tethys” is a handmade glass with a vertical look in the color “Light Blue” for an extraordinary experience. In combination with other colors from the Tethys color collection It is ideal for larger groups for easy recognition of your own glass. It also creates a nice combination with one hand-blown “ polka dot jug” in the same color.   Height Width Contents 100mm 100mm 520ml The glassworks in Kvetna is one of the longest operating glassworks in the Czech Republic. It was built in 1794 and founded by Prince Alois I of Liechtenstein. After a long history, the KVETNA 1794 brand was founded in 2020 with the aim of dedicating itself to the handcrafted production of Bohemian crystal glass of the highest possible quality, giving the respected craft back its good name and preserving it for future generations. Our glass is a world leader, primarily thanks to the highest quality raw materials, lead-free glassware and craftsmanship. That's why we can stand behind our products 100%. But there are a few practices that, if followed, will keep you happy for a long time. Wash gently. What does that mean? You can wash your glasses in the dishwasher without having to worry about them turning gray, but you should always use the gentle program and make sure that the glass cannot be mechanically damaged in the dishwasher - i.e. that it stands correctly comes into contact with other dishes and the washing arms do not get caught on them. It is not recommended to clean thick-walled vessels such as carafes, vases and jugs in the dishwasher. For perfect washing, all you need to do is soak them in warm water with a little detergent. Avoid large temperature fluctuations. A rapid change between heat (warm water) and cold (cold water, ice) is not good for the glass. Therefore, try not to expose glasses or jugs to temperature fluctuations. Avoid poor polishing. Before polishing your glass, watch this short instructional video for all the information you need. Weight 1,238kg Size 310 × 210 × 110mm brand Kvetna 1794 GTIN 8591808203448 MPN 22387-520-201-076-1012-000000-PK6

    CHF 119.90CHF 99.90

  • Angebot -17% Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Smoke

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Smoke by Kvetna 1794

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors ” 520 ml – Smoke is a high-quality, handmade water and soft drinks glass. In a set of 6. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here. “Tethys” is a handmade glass with a vertical look in the color “Smoke” for an extraordinary experience. In combination with other colors from the Tethys color collection It is ideal for larger groups for easy recognition of your own glass. It also creates a nice combination with one hand-blown “ polka dot jug” in the same color. Height Width Contents 100mm 100mm 520ml The glassworks in Kvetna is one of the longest operating glassworks in the Czech Republic. It was built in 1794 and founded by Prince Alois I of Liechtenstein. After a long history, the KVETNA 1794 brand was founded in 2020 with the aim of dedicating itself to the handcrafted production of Bohemian crystal glass of the highest possible quality, giving the respected craft back its good name and preserving it for future generations. Our glass is a world leader, mainly thanks to the highest quality raw materials, lead-free glassware and craftsmanship. That's why we can stand behind our products 100%. But there are a few Practices that, if followed, will make you happy for a long time. Wash gently. What does that mean? You can wash your glasses in the dishwasher without fear have to have them turn gray, but you should always use the gentle program use and make sure that the glass in the dishwasher is not mechanically damaged can be damaged - so that it stands correctly, not with other dishes There is no contact and the washing arms do not get caught on them. It is not recommended Clean thick-walled vessels such as carafes, vases and jugs in the dishwasher. For perfect washing, all you need to do is soak them in warm water with a little detergent. Avoid large temperature fluctuations.   A rapid change between heat (warm water) and cold (cold water, ice) is not good for the glass. Therefore, try to keep glasses or jugs away from temperature fluctuations to suspend. Avoid poor polishing. Before you polish your glass, Watch this short instructional video to give you all the information you need . Weight 1,238kg Size 310 × 210 × 110mm brand Kvetna 1794 GTIN 8591808203462 MPN 22387-520-201-076-1018-000000-PK6

    CHF 119.90CHF 99.90

  • Angebot -17%Letzter Bestand! Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Rose

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Rosalin by Kvetna 1794

    1 vorrÀtig

    Handmade tumbler “Tethys Colors ” 520 ml – Rosalin. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here. In a set of 6. “Tethys” is a handmade glass with a vertical look in the color “Rosalin” for an extraordinary experience. In combination with other colors from the Tethys color collection It is ideal for larger groups for easy recognition of your own glass. He also creates a nice combination with one hand-blown “ polka dot jug” in the same color. Height Width Contents 100mm 100mm 520ml HANDMADE CZECH TITANIUM GLASS OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY WITH TRADITION FOR 220 YEARS “Tethys” is a hand-blown glass with a vertical look in the color “Amber” for an extraordinary experience. A nice combination can also be achieved with a hand-blown “Polka Dot Jug” in the same color. All KVETNA 1794 products are handmade, so each piece is unique. You may notice small imperfections, such as small bubbles or small irregularities on the surface, which are only evidence of the craftsmanship and do not affect the beauty or functionality of the product. For more information, please visit our Guaranteed Quality Parameters. Manufactory The glassworks in Kvetna is one of the longest operating glassworks in the Czech Republic. It was built in 1794 and founded by Prince Alois I of Liechtenstein. After a long history, the KVETNA 1794 brand was founded in 2020 with the aim of dedicating itself to the handcrafted production of Bohemian crystal glass of the highest possible quality, giving the respected craft back its good name and preserving it for future generations. Care Our glass is a world leader, primarily thanks to the highest quality raw materials, lead-free glassware and craftsmanship. That's why we can stand behind our products 100%. But there are a few practices that, if followed, will keep you happy for a long time. Wash gently. What does that mean? You can wash your glasses in the dishwasher without having to worry about them turning gray, but you should always use the gentle program and make sure that the glass cannot be mechanically damaged in the dishwasher - i.e. that it stands correctly comes into contact with other dishes and the washing arms do not get caught on them. It is not recommended to clean thick-walled vessels such as carafes, vases and jugs in the dishwasher. For perfect washing, all you need to do is soak them in warm water with a little detergent. Avoid large temperature fluctuations. A rapid change between heat (warm water) and cold (cold water, ice) is not good for the glass. Therefore, try not to expose glasses or jugs to temperature fluctuations. Avoid poor polishing. Before polishing your glass, watch this short instructional video for all the information you need. Weight 1,238kg Size 310 × 210 × 110mm brand Kvetna 1794 GTIN 8591808203431 MPN 22387-520-201-076-1004-000000-PK6

    1 vorrÀtig

    CHF 119.90CHF 99.90

  • Angebot -17% Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Light Green

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Light Green by Kvetna 1794

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors ” 520 ml – Light Green is a high-quality, handmade water and soft drinks glass. In a set of 6. “Tethys” is a handmade glass with a vertical look in the color “Light Green” for an extraordinary experience. In combination with other colors from the Tethys color collection, it is ideal for larger groups to easily recognize their own glass. A nice combination can also be achieved with a hand-blown “ polka dot jug” in the same color. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here. Height Width Contents 100mm 100mm 520ml The glassworks in Kvetna is one of the longest operating glassworks in the Czech Republic. It was built in 1794 and founded by Prince Alois I of Liechtenstein. After a long history, the KVETNA 1794 brand was founded in 2020 with the aim of dedicating itself to the handcrafted production of Bohemian crystal glass of the highest possible quality, giving the respected craft back its good name and preserving it for future generations. Our glass is a world leader, primarily thanks to the highest quality raw materials, lead-free glassware and craftsmanship. That's why we can stand behind our products 100%. But there are a few practices that, if followed, will keep you happy for a long time. Wash gently. What does that mean? You can wash your glasses in the dishwasher without having to worry about them turning gray, but you should always use the gentle program and make sure that the glass cannot be mechanically damaged in the dishwasher - i.e. that it stands correctly comes into contact with other dishes and the washing arms do not get caught on them. It is not recommended to clean thick-walled vessels such as carafes, vases and jugs in the dishwasher. For perfect washing, all you need to do is soak them in warm water with a little detergent. Avoid large temperature fluctuations. A rapid change between heat (warm water) and cold (cold water, ice) is not good for the glass. Therefore, try not to expose glasses or jugs to temperature fluctuations. Avoid poor polishing. Before polishing your glass, watch this short instructional video for all the information you need. Weight 1,238kg Size 310 × 210 × 110mm brand Kvetna 1794 GTIN 8591808203462 MPN 22387-520-201-076-1018-000000-PK6

    CHF 119.90CHF 99.90

  • Angebot -17% Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Citrine

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Citrine

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors ” 520 ml – Citrine is a high-quality, handmade water and soft drinks glass. In the Set of 6. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here. “Tethys” is a handmade glass with a vertical look in the color “Citrine” for an extraordinary experience. In combination with other colors from the Tethys color collection It is ideal for larger groups for easy recognition of your own glass. It also creates a nice combination with one hand-blown “ polka dot jug” in the same color. Height Width Contents 100mm 100mm 520ml The glassworks in Kvetna is one of the longest operating glassworks in the Czech Republic. It was built in 1794 and founded by Prince Alois I of Liechtenstein. After a long history, the KVETNA 1794 brand was founded in 2020 with the aim of dedicating itself to the handcrafted production of Bohemian crystal glass of the highest possible quality, giving the respected craft back its good name and preserving it for future generations. Our glass is a world leader, primarily thanks to the highest quality raw materials, lead-free glassware and craftsmanship. That's why we can stand behind our products 100%. But there are a few practices that, if followed, will keep you happy for a long time. Wash gently. What does that mean? You can wash your glasses in the dishwasher without having to worry about them turning gray, but you should always use the gentle program and make sure that the glass cannot be mechanically damaged in the dishwasher - i.e. that it stands correctly comes into contact with other dishes and the washing arms do not get caught on them. It is not recommended to clean thick-walled vessels such as carafes, vases and jugs in the dishwasher. For perfect washing, all you need to do is soak them in warm water with a little detergent. Avoid large temperature fluctuations. A rapid change between heat (warm water) and cold (cold water, ice) is not good for the glass. Therefore, try not to expose glasses or jugs to temperature fluctuations. Avoid poor polishing. Before polishing your glass, watch this short instructional video for all the information you need. Weight 1,238kg Size 310 × 210 × 110mm brand Kvetna 1794 GTIN 8591808203196 MPN 22387-520-201-076-1003-000000-PK6

    CHF 119.90CHF 99.90

  • Angebot -17%Letzter Bestand! Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Aquamarin

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – aquamarine

    1 Review

    1 vorrÀtig

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors ” 520 ml – Aquamarine is high-quality, handmade water and soft drinks glass. In a set of 6. “Tethys” is a handmade glass with a vertical look in the color “aquamarine” for an extraordinary experience. In combination with other colors from the Tethys color collection, it is ideal for larger groups to easily recognize their own glass. A nice combination can also be achieved with a mouth-blown “ polka dot jug” in the same color. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here. Height Width Contents 100mm 100mm 520ml The glassworks in Kvetna is one of the longest operating glassworks in the Czech Republic. It was built in 1794 and founded by Prince Alois I of Liechtenstein. After a long history, the KVETNA 1794 brand was founded in 2020 with the aim of dedicating itself to the handcrafted production of Bohemian crystal glass of the highest possible quality, giving the respected craft back its good name and preserving it for future generations. Use the up/down arrow keys to adjust the volume. Our glass is a world leader, primarily thanks to the highest quality raw materials, lead-free glassware and craftsmanship. That's why we can stand behind our products 100%. But there are a few practices that, if followed, will keep you happy for a long time. Wash gently. What does that mean? You can wash your glasses in the dishwasher without having to worry about them turning gray, but you should always use the gentle program and make sure that the glass cannot be mechanically damaged in the dishwasher - i.e. that it stands correctly comes into contact with other dishes and the washing arms do not get caught on them. It is not recommended to clean thick-walled vessels such as carafes, vases and jugs in the dishwasher. For perfect washing, all you need to do is soak them in warm water with a little detergent. Avoid large temperature fluctuations. A rapid change between heat (warm water) and cold (cold water, ice) is not good for the glass. Therefore, try not to expose glasses or jugs to temperature fluctuations. Avoid poor polishing. Before polishing your glass, watch this short instructional video for all the information you need. Weight 1,238kg Size 310 × 210 × 110mm brand Kvetna 1794 GTIN 8591808203219 MPN 22387-520-201-076-1010-000000-PK6

    1 vorrÀtig

    CHF 119.90CHF 99.90

  • Angebot -17%Letzter Bestand! Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Amethyst

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Amethyst by Kvetna 1794

    1 vorrÀtig

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors ” 520 ml – Amethyst is high-quality, handmade water and soft drinks glass. In a set of 6. “Tethys” is a handmade glass with a vertical look in the color “Amethyst” for an extraordinary experience. In combination with other colors from the Tethys color collection, it is ideal for larger groups to easily recognize their own glass. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here. Height Width Contents 100mm 100mm 520ml The glassworks in Kvetna is one of the longest operating glassworks in the Czech Republic. It was built in 1794 and founded by Prince Alois I of Liechtenstein. After a long history, the KVETNA 1794 brand was founded in 2020 with the aim of dedicating itself to the handcrafted production of Bohemian crystal glass of the highest possible quality, giving the respected craft back its good name and preserving it for future generations. Our glass is a world leader, primarily thanks to the highest quality raw materials, lead-free glassware and craftsmanship. That's why we can stand behind our products 100%. But there are a few practices that, if followed, will keep you happy for a long time. Wash gently. What does that mean? You can wash your glasses in the dishwasher without having to worry about them turning gray, but you should always use the gentle program and make sure that the glass cannot be mechanically damaged in the dishwasher - i.e. that it stands correctly comes into contact with other dishes and the washing arms do not get caught on them. It is not recommended to clean thick-walled vessels such as carafes, vases and jugs in the dishwasher. For perfect washing, all you need to do is soak them in warm water with a little detergent. Avoid large temperature fluctuations. A rapid change between heat (warm water) and cold (cold water, ice) is not good for the glass. Therefore, try not to expose glasses or jugs to temperature fluctuations. Avoid poor polishing. Before polishing your glass, watch this short instructional video for all the information you need. Weight 1,238kg Size 310 × 210 × 110mm fire Kvetna 1794 GTIN 8591808203202 MPN 22387-520-201-076-1007-000000-PK6

    1 vorrÀtig

    CHF 119.90CHF 99.90

  • Angebot -17% Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Amber

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Amber by Kvetna 1794

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors ” 520 ml – Amber is a high-quality, handmade water and soft drinks glass. In a set of 6. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here. Handcrafted glass with a vertical look in the color “amber” for an exceptional dining experience. Combined with the other colors from the Tethys color collection, it is ideal for larger groups so you can easily recognize your own glass. It also forms a beautiful combination with the hand-blown polka dot pitcher in amber color. All of our products are handmade, so each piece is unique. You may notice minor imperfections such as bubbles or small irregularities on the surface, which show true craftsmanship and do not affect the beauty or functionality of the product. Height Width Contents 100mm 100mm 520ml The glassworks in Kvetna is one of the longest operating glassworks in the Czech Republic. It was built in 1794 and founded by Prince Alois I of Liechtenstein. After a long history, the KVETNA 1794 brand was founded in 2020 with the aim of dedicating itself to the handcrafted production of Bohemian crystal glass of the highest possible quality, giving the respected craft back its good name and preserving it for future generations. Our glass is a world leader, primarily thanks to the highest quality raw materials, lead-free glassware and craftsmanship. That's why we can stand behind our products 100%. But there are a few practices that, if followed, will keep you happy for a long time. Wash gently. What does that mean? You can wash your glasses in the dishwasher without having to worry about them turning gray, but you should always use the gentle program and make sure that the glass cannot be mechanically damaged in the dishwasher - i.e. that it stands correctly comes into contact with other dishes and the washing arms do not get caught on them. It is not recommended to clean thick-walled vessels such as carafes, vases and jugs in the dishwasher. For perfect washing, all you need to do is soak them in warm water with a little detergent. Avoid large temperature fluctuations. A rapid change between heat (warm water) and cold (cold water, ice) is not good for the glass. Therefore, try not to expose glasses or jugs to temperature fluctuations. Avoid poor polishing. Before polishing your glass, watch this short instructional video for all the information you need. Weight 1,238kg Size 310 × 210 × 110mm brand Kvetna 1794 GTIN 8591808203226 MPN 22387-520-201-076-1023-000000-PK6

    CHF 119.90CHF 99.90

  • Angebot -17%Letzter Bestand! Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Alexandrit

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Alexandrite from Kvetna 1794

    1 vorrÀtig

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors ” 520 ml – Alexandrite is a high-quality, handmade water and soft drinks glass. In the Set of 6. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here “Tethys” is a handmade glass with a vertical look in the color “Alexandrite” for an extraordinary experience. In combination with other colors from the Tethys color collection It is ideal for larger groups for easy recognition of your own glass. It also creates a nice combination with one hand-blown “ polka dot jug” in the same color. Height Width Contents 100mm 100mm 520ml HANDMADE CZECH TITANIUM GLASS OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY WITH TRADITION FOR 220 YEARS “Tethys” is a hand-blown glass with a vertical look in the color “Amber” for an extraordinary experience. A nice combination can also be achieved with a hand-blown “Polka Dot Jug” in the same color. All KVETNA 1794 products are handmade, so each piece is unique. You may notice small imperfections, such as small bubbles or small irregularities on the surface, which are only evidence of the craftsmanship and do not affect the beauty or functionality of the product. For more information, please visit our Guaranteed Quality Parameters. Manufactory The glassworks in Kvetna is one of the longest operating glassworks in the Czech Republic. It was built in 1794 and founded by Prince Alois I of Liechtenstein. After a long history, the KVETNA 1794 brand was founded in 2020 with the aim of dedicating itself to the handcrafted production of Bohemian crystal glass of the highest possible quality, giving the respected craft back its good name and preserving it for future generations. Care Our glass is a world leader, primarily thanks to the highest quality raw materials, lead-free glassware and craftsmanship. That's why we can stand behind our products 100%. But there are a few practices that, if followed, will keep you happy for a long time. Wash gently. What does that mean? You can wash your glasses in the dishwasher without having to worry about them turning gray, but you should always use the gentle program and make sure that the glass cannot be mechanically damaged in the dishwasher - i.e. that it stands correctly comes into contact with other dishes and the washing arms do not get caught on them. It is not recommended to clean thick-walled vessels such as carafes, vases and jugs in the dishwasher. For perfect washing, all you need to do is soak them in warm water with a little detergent. Avoid large temperature fluctuations. A rapid change between heat (warm water) and cold (cold water, ice) is not good for the glass. Therefore, try not to expose glasses or jugs to temperature fluctuations. Avoid poor polishing. Before polishing your glass, watch this short instructional video for all the information you need. Weight 1,238kg Size 310 × 210 × 110mm fire Kvetna 1794 MPN 22387-520-201-076-1036-000000-PK6 GTIN 8591808204339

    1 vorrÀtig

    CHF 119.90CHF 99.90

  • Angebot -33%Letzter Bestand! Tumbler “Kalyke” 520ml

    Tumbler “Kalyke” 520ml from Kvetna 1794

    1 vorrÀtig

    Handcrafted tumblers “Kalyke ” 520 ml. In the Set of 6. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here A unique mouth-blown thin glass whose lines are characterized by the precision of geometry was inspired. The traditional elements of handcrafted glass mix with today's modernity and simplicity. This glass shape is versatile. It is suitable not only for soft drinks, water, but also for alcoholic drinks such as whiskey. Height Width Contents 102mm 100mm 520ml Size 330 × 220 × 130mm brand Kvetna 1794 GTIN 8591808203103 MPN 22228-520-203-000-1001-000000-PK6

    1 vorrÀtig

    CHF 149.90CHF 99.90

  • Angebot -38%Letzter Bestand! Tumbler “Dione” 550ml

    Tumbler “Dione” 550ml from Kvetna 1794

    1 vorrÀtig

    Handmade tumbler “Dione ” 550 ml. In a set of 6. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here This shape of Dione glass is for whiskey as well as a wide range alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. The clear shape of the glass emphasizes the essence of each drink and Perfectly decorates any set table with its elegance.   Height Width Contents 100mm 100mm 550ml   Size 330 × 220 × 130mm

    1 vorrÀtig

    CHF 159.90CHF 99.90

  • Angebot -33%Letzter Bestand! Tumbler “Dione” 540ml

    Tumbler “Dione” 540ml from Kvetna 1794

    1 vorrÀtig

    Handmade tumbler “Dione ” 540 ml. In a set of 6. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here The shape of this Dione glass is intended for everyday use. You can serve mixed cocktails and drinks, various sodas and juices or just mineral water. It is suitable for any occasion, whether it is an outdoor picnic or a home-cooked lunch or dinner. The clear shape of the glass emphasizes the essence of each drink.   Height Width Contents 120mm 90mm 540ml   Size 280 × 100 × 190mm

    1 vorrÀtig

    CHF 149.90CHF 99.90

  • Angebot -17% TrinkglĂ€ser 6er Set “Kvetna 1794” – “Tethys Colors” 520ml – Mundgeblasen

    Drinking glasses set of 6 “Kvetna 1794” – “Tethys Colors” 520ml – mouth-blown

    Tumbler “Tethys Colors ” 520 ml – is a high-quality, handmade water and soft drinks glass. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here Handcrafted glass with a vertical look in different colors for an exceptional dining experience. Combined with the other colors from the Tethys color collection, it is ideal for larger groups so that you can easily recognize your own glass. It also forms a beautiful combination with the hand-blown polka dot jugs in different colors. All of our products are handmade, so each piece is unique. You may notice minor imperfections such as bubbles or small irregularities on the surface, which show true craftsmanship and do not affect the beauty or functionality of the product. Height Width Contents 100mm 100mm 520ml Discover 'Tethys', handcrafted Czech titanium glass of the highest quality with 220 years of tradition. This mouth-blown glass with a vertical look offers an exceptional experience and harmonizes perfectly with our 'Polka Dot Jug'. Each KVETNA 1794 product is unique with characteristic craftsmanship features such as small bubbles or irregularities on the surface that do not affect the beauty and functionality. Visit our website for more information about guaranteed quality. The glassworks in Kvetna, founded in 1794, is one of the oldest in the Czech Republic. In 2020, the KVETNA 1794 brand was revived to dedicate itself to the handcrafted production of Bohemian crystal glass of the highest quality. Care instructions: Our lead-free glass products are dishwasher safe, but we recommend the gentle program. Avoid temperature fluctuations and polish the glass carefully by consulting our instructional video. Weight 1,238kg Size 310 × 210 × 110mm brand Kvetna 1794 GTIN 8591808203479 MPN 22387-520-201-076-1007-000000-PK6-mix1

    CHF 119.90CHF 99.90

  • Bohemia Crystal Wasserglas Swing HB 420 ml

    Bohemia Crystal water glass / High Ball Swing 420 ml

    Modern and stylish Bohemia Crystal water glass Swing High Ball 420 ml. In a set of 6 Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 142mm 73mm 420ml Weight 1.52kg Size 230 × 155 × 310mm fire Crystalex

    CHF 29.90

  • Bohemia Crystal Wasserglas Swing 320 ml

    Bohemia Crystal water glass Swing 320 ml

    Modern and stylish Bohemia Crystal water glass Swing 320 ml. In a set of 6 Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry.   Height Width Contents 120mm 73mm 320ml   Weight 1.41kg Size 230 × 150 × 270mm fire Crystalex

    CHF 27.90

  • Letzter Bestand! Bohemia Crystal Glas Tall High Ball Blues 480 ml

    Bohemia Crystal Glass Tall High Ball Blues 480 ml

    1 vorrÀtig

    Modern and stylish Bohemia Crystal Glass Tall High Ball Blues 480 ml. In the Set of 6 Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here By using the special surface treatment â€œSparkles” the glass has an excellent Brilliance . The glass also has a excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and dishwasher suitability . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 160mm 71mm 480ml   Weight 1.92kg Size 230 × 155 × 175mm fire Crystalex

    1 vorrÀtig

    CHF 34.90

  • Bohemia Crystal Double OF Whisky Swing 400 ml

    Bohemia Crystal Double OF Whiskey Swing 400 ml

    Modern and stylish Bohemia Crystal Double OF whiskey glass Swing 400 ml. In a set of 6 Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here. Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 94mm 94mm 400ml fire Crystalex

    CHF 29.90

  • Bohemia Crystal Double OF Whisky Swing 330 ml

    Bohemia Crystal Double OF Whiskey Swing 330 ml (set of 6)

    Modern and stylish Bohemia Crystal Double OF whiskey glass Swing 330 ml. In a set of 6 Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here. Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 93mm 84mm 330ml Weight 1.42kg Size 181 × 136 × 114mm fire Crystalex

    CHF 27.90

  • Angebot -18%Letzter Bestand! Bohemia Crystal  Wasserglas Sp.l. Goblet 350 ml

    Bohemia Crystal water glass / goblet 350 ml (set of 6)

    1 vorrÀtig

    Suitable for any occasion Bohemia Crystal water glass / goblet 350 ml. In a set of 6 Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here. This product is certified Oak lined for the exact measurement possible. Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 157mm 80mm 350ml Weight 1,3380kg Size 176 × 134 × 351mm fire Crystalex

    1 vorrÀtig

    CHF 27.90CHF 22.90

  • Angebot -9% Bohemia Crystal  Bierglas Tulpe #3 – 380 ml

    Bohemia Crystal Beer Glass Tulip #3 – 380 ml (set of 6)

    For every hop jewel Bohemia Crystal beer glass tulip small 380 ml. In a set of 6 Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here. This product is certified Eich struck for the exact measurement possible. Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 172mm 83mm 380ml Weight 1,010kg Size 181 × 283 × 208mm fire Crystalex

    CHF 29.90 - CHF 33.90

  • Angebot -6% Bohemia Crystal beer glasses 350 ml (set of 6)

    Bohemia Crystal beer glasses 350 ml (set of 6)

    The Bohemia Crystal beer glasses with a capacity of 350 ml are the ideal choice for discerning beer lovers who want to enjoy special beers in a modern and stylish atmosphere. This set, consisting of 6 unique beer glasses, is characterized by its contemporary design and the distinctive, long stem design. Product features: Capacity: Each glass holds 350ml, which is ideal for exploring the complex flavors and nuances of special beers. High-quality crystal glass: The beer glasses are made of high-quality crystal glass, which not only looks elegant but also has excellent durability. Special surface treatment "Sparkle": By using the special surface treatment "Sparkle", the glass has excellent brilliance, excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance. Modern design: The contemporary design of the beer glasses, combined with the long stem design, gives your beer enjoyment a stylish touch. Dishwasher Safe: The beer glasses are dishwasher safe, making cleaning easier after enjoying your favorite beers. These Bohemia Crystal beer glasses 350 ml are perfect for enjoying specialty beers, whether in your own home or in a sophisticated gastronomic environment. With their modern design and high-quality workmanship, they are the ideal choice for anyone who wants to enjoy special beers in a special ambience. Experience the full enjoyment of your favorite beers with these elegant beer glasses. Order your set of Bohemia Crystal beer glasses today and experience true glassware excellence.

    CHF 31.90CHF 29.90

  • Bohemia Crystal Weinglas Viola 450 ml

    Bohemia Crystal wine glass Viola 450 ml (set of 6)

    Bohemia Crystal wine glass Viola 450 ml for red wine. In a set of 6. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 234mm 88mm 450ml Weight 1.49kg Size 270 × 180 × 240mm brand Crystalex

    CHF 35.90

  • Bohemia Crystal Wine Glasses Rainbow 350 ml (Set of 6)

    Bohemia Crystal Wine Glasses Rainbow 350 ml (Set of 6)

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    Whether you're a wine connoisseur or simply enjoy an occasional glass, don't miss out on the vibrant white wine glasses from the Rainbow collection, reminiscent of the beauty of the rainbow. The set includes glasses in six different colors, pleasing not only to the eye but also practical – in larger gatherings, glasses won't be mistaken.

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    CHF 35.90

  • Bohemia Crystal water glasses Jive 400 ml (set of 6)

    Bohemia Crystal water glasses Jive 400 ml (set of 6)

    Welcome to the world of elegance and taste with our exclusive set of Bohemia Crystal water glasses Jive. These glasses are the perfect addition to your table setting or a great gift idea for lovers of high-quality glassware. Made from high-quality Bohemia crystal glass, these water glasses are characterized by their exceptional clarity and brilliance. The timeless yet modern design gives every sip of water, juice or other drinks a special touch. Each set contains six water glasses with a generous 400 ml capacity, perfect for refreshing thirst quenchers. The slim contours and high-quality workmanship make these glasses an eye-catcher on every table setting. The Bohemia Crystal Jive water glasses are not only an aesthetic pleasure, but also extremely durable and easy to care for. They are dishwasher safe and remain flawless even after many washes. Whether for festive occasions or everyday life, these glasses add a touch of sophistication to any drink. Experience the quality of Bohemia Crystal and order your set today to enrich your table culture.

    CHF 36.90

  • Angebot -17%Letzter Bestand! Krug “Polka Dot” 2000ml – Light Blue

    Pitcher “Polka Dot” 2000ml – Light Blue

    1 vorrÀtig

    Handcrafted jug “ Polka Dot” 2000 ml – Light Blue. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here Handmade jug “Polka Dot” 2000 ml in the color Light Blue from the hand glass workshop “Kvetna 1794” with an original design and distinctive structure is suitable for water and soft drinks. The “Polka Dot” in light blue is a hand-blown product made of lead-free crystal, the fine light blue is created by the precise mixing of the glass stem from which the enamel is melted. We never spray our products with artificial colors. To ensure that you can enjoy this product for at least 1794 years, we recommend that you only wash it by hand. Height Width Contents 232mm 210mm 2000ml Weight 1,653 kg Size 210 × 210 × 240mm brand Kvetna 1794 GTIN 8591808203639 MPN 16200-2000-301-000-1012-000000-PK1

    1 vorrÀtig

    CHF 119.90CHF 99.90

  • Angebot -6% Bohemia Crystal Weinglas Tulipa 350 ml

    Bohemia Crystal wine glass Tulipa 350 ml (set of 6)

    The blooming Bohemia Crystal wine glass Tulipa 350 ml for white wine and rosĂ© wines. In a set of 6. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 217mm 86mm 350ml Weight 1.35kg Size 270 × 180 × 230mm brand Crystalex

    CHF 31.90CHF 29.90

  • Angebot -9% Bohemia Crystal Weinglas “XTRA” 360ml

    Bohemia Crystal wine glass “XTRA” 360ml

    Nicht mehr lieferbar

    Original Bohemia Crystal wine glass “XTRA” 360ml for your white and rosĂ© wine. Modern square wine glasses made of crystal glass for a stylish wine experience. These unique glasses resemble an X-shape - they are something exclusive, eccentric, simply something special. Drink your favorite drink at your ex's! Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 231mm 89mm 360ml Weight 1.66kg Size 280 × 190 × 245mm brand Crystalex

    Nicht mehr lieferbar

    CHF 31.90CHF 28.90

  • Angebot -6% Bohemia Crystal Wasserglas Tulipa Optic 450 ml

    Bohemia Crystal water glass Tulipa Optic 450 ml (set of 6)

    The blooming Bohemia Crystal water glass Tulipa Optic 450 ml for water and soft drinks. In a set of 6. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 130mm 89mm 450ml Weight 1.46kg Size 300 × 200 × 135mm fire Crystalex

    CHF 31.90CHF 29.90

  • Bohemia Crystal Wasserglas Jive 250 ml

    Bohemia Crystal water glass Jive 250 ml

    Modern and stylish Bohemia Crystal water glass Jive 250 ml. In a set of 6 Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 117mm 72mm 250ml Weight 1.86kg Size 150 × 230 × 125mm fire Crystalex

    CHF 34.90

  • Bohemia Crystal Coupe cocktail glasses 180 ml (set of 6)

    Bohemia Crystal Coupe cocktail glasses 180 ml (set of 6)

    The Bohemia Crystal Coupe cocktail glasses 180 ml are the perfect choice for anyone who wants to enjoy stylish cocktails in a classic and elegant atmosphere. This set, consisting of 6 exquisite cocktail glasses, impresses with its timeless design and high-quality workmanship. Product features: Capacity: Each glass holds 180ml, making it perfect for a variety of classic and creative cocktails. High-quality crystal glass: The cocktail glasses are made of high-quality crystal glass, which not only looks elegant but also has high durability. Special surface treatment "Sparkle": By using the special surface treatment "Sparkle", the glass has excellent brilliance, excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance. Timeless design: The classic design of the coupe glasses gives your cocktails an authentic touch and is a homage to the elegance of bygone times. Dishwasher Safe: The cocktail glasses are dishwasher safe, making cleanup after the cocktail party a breeze. The Bohemia Crystal Coupe Cocktail Glasses 180ml are perfect for enjoying classic cocktails, martinis, champagne cocktails and much more. With their timeless design and high-quality workmanship, they are the ideal choice for anyone who wants to enjoy cocktails in a stylish ambience. Take your cocktail evenings to a new level and order your set of Bohemia Crystal Coupe cocktail glasses today. Experience the true pleasure of cocktails with these elegant glasses.

    CHF 34.90

  • Bohemia Crystal Harmony wine glasses 250 ml (set of 6)

    Bohemia Crystal Harmony wine glasses 250 ml (set of 6)

    The Bohemia Crystal Harmony wine glasses 250 ml are the perfect choice for all wine lovers who are looking for stylish glassware with excellent features. This set, consisting of 6 wine glasses, impresses with its elegant design and high-quality workmanship. Product features: Capacity : Each wine glass holds 250ml of wine, making it perfect for enjoying white wine. High-quality crystal glass : The wine glasses are made of high-quality crystal glass, which not only looks elegant but is also durable and resistant. Special surface treatment "Sparkle" : By using the special surface treatment "Sparkle", the glass has excellent brilliance, excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance. Dishwashability : They are dishwasher safe, making cleaning a breeze. The Bohemia Crystal Harmony wine glasses 250 ml are not only suitable for use at home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Thanks to their outstanding properties, they are the perfect addition to your glassware collection. Enjoy your wine in style and quality with these elegant wine glasses. Order your set of Bohemia Crystal Harmony wine glasses today and experience true glassware excellence.

    CHF 29.90

  • Angebot -9% Bohemia Crystal cocktail glasses Specials II. 450 ml (set of 6)

    Bohemia Crystal cocktail glasses Specials II. 450 ml (set of 6)

    Original and irresistible Bohemia Crystal cocktail glasses Specials II. 450 ml. In a set of 6 Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 199mm 78mm 450ml Weight 1.6kg Size 260 × 170 × 230mm fire Crystalex

    CHF 32.90CHF 29.90

  • Bohemia Crystal Weindekanter 1 500 ml

    Bohemia Crystal wine decanter 1,500 ml

    Classic and practical Bohemia Crystal wine decanter 1,500 ml. Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 208mm 195mm 1500ml Weight 0.83kg Size 223 × 223 × 235mm brand Crystalex

    CHF 15.90

  • Angebot -9% Bohemia Crystal Glas Long Drink Blues 330 ml

    Bohemia Crystal Glass Long Drink Blues 330 ml

    Modern and stylish Bohemia Crystal Glass Long Drink Blues 330 ml. In a set of 6 Special conditions for restaurants, glass retailers – Register your business here Thanks to the use of the special surface treatment “Sparkle”, the glass has excellent brilliance . The glass also has excellent sound, impact resistance, pressure resistance, temperature resistance and suitability for dishwashing . This makes the glass not only suitable for your home, but also for demanding conditions in the catering industry. Height Width Contents 167mm 62mm 330ml Weight 1.7kg Size 200 × 135 × 180mm fire Crystalex

    CHF 32.90CHF 29.90

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